Saturday, April 21, 2007

and we're back in europe!

like that! bam - america! bam - italy! bam - holland! i'm in a contest with myself to see if i can ever outrun myself, hopping continents hither and thither. i am sure i will win. or one of me will, in any case.

so we wrapped up our american tour with a week in texas and louisiana, and as usual we had a great time. i just love playing shows in my home state. i know i can always count on people to come out and sing along with us, and that makes me very happy. plus i played in fields of flowers, and i ate fajitas, and i took the dogs for a walk, and i saw nearly everyone on my list. all in all, a success. thanks to dustin and kim for another house concert well done, and to all the folks who always come see me at opening bell coffee...that's my favorite way to end a tour. thanks to suzanna for coming up and playing with us. thanks to the pilot who took me safely across the ocean yet again.

and here i am, across the ocean. we landed, unpacked, and got in the car two days later for a show in mantova (where romeo went to buy his poison). i was sick as a dog (the consequence of too many days without rest, i am sure) but i managed to warble my way through the concert without causing permanent damage to anyone's ears. we had another show in frosinone last night, and next week we'll do one of my favorites - a show in the courtyard of santa chiara. and then i will pack up again and fly across the alps (at least it's not an ocean) and i will land in The Netherlands, where I will promptly buy wooden clogs and commence frolicking among the tulips. Then all the locals will flog me for resurrecting old cliches, and I will be forgiven immediately, because from the Dutch interaction I've had thus far, I can safely say the Dutch people are just too nice.

I'm playing all over (thanks in large part to Alex Akela, Eva, and Marco), and should you happen to live in Amersfoort, Arnhem, Groningen, Tilburg, Heerlen, Haarlem, Utrecht, Rotterdam, or Amsterdam, I ask you to come say hi, so I will not feel that my clogging faux pas caused any long-term ill will between us.

I am starting to think about writing for the new album. It's hard. I love Little Films and I'm a little paralyzed (like always) but I am sure that with enough gelato, I could overcome my paralysis. Maybe I'll start right now. Nocciola is calling.....

Hugs and more hugs,

speaking of those bluebonnets....

speaking of those bluebonnets....
Originally uploaded by acousticgirl01.

can you tell that i really truly love bluebonnets??? i don't know what it

is...they really just fill me with happiness from head to toe. it's cheesy,

i know. but so am i.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

at the end of an 8000-mile road

we're back in texas!

and with weather like this, i'm so very glad to be here. sunshine abounds and the bluebonnets are in bloom. there is nothing like a field of bluebonnets. is someone working on weed control for those nasty yellow things that are encroaching on the bluebonnets? you know what i'm talking about...that stalky weedy looking thing? it's very worrisome (in so far as wildflowers and weeds can be worrisome).

so another midwest/northeast tour comes to close. we had a great time, despite two or three 12 hours drives and one stellar 18 hour drive from wisconsin to texas. i have never been so happy to pull into the suburban driveway of my parents' home as i was on monday morning at 4 am.

we met some amazing people. near the top of the list - dan from univ of WI in eau claire, who came to all of our shows at the university and spent his weekend handing out flyers and trying to drum up a crowd for us. super mille grazie to dan. thanks also to amy and greg for housing us, to brian sauer for organizing a great concert in marshfield, WI and for being super-hospitable, to heather and kohl for being the best ever, to vicki and chris and stella for letting us crash their wonderful home for days on end (probably days that seem without end for them). to corbet for being our photographer, to dustin and kim for hosting tonight's house concert. to kate for opening a super cool coffeehouse in sheboygan. we are so lucky to have so many friends all over the country.

random things:
it's always fun to be driving around with manuel, because he notices things that i don't ... like how everyone passes on the right here (which is super-illegal in italy). yesterday we were driving down the highway and RIGHT in the middle of my lane was a desk. like one you would sit at to work on. i swerved and missed it, luckily, but right in front of us was a truck laden with the possessions of an entire family, and not a cord in sight to tie it all down. these sorts of things don't faze me at all (especially here in texas) but they totally freak him out. and he's right - that's how the desk ended up in the road, i imagine.

we saw some "cool" kids out at dinner last night and got to talking about the concept of being Italy, the whole idea of popularity just flat out doesn't exist. there might be the cool kids and the weird kids and a bit of everyone in between, but the groups just kind of peacefully co-exist; until recently there wasn't even bullying - in fact, it's all over the papers as of late because it's this new terrifying thing. how amazing it would be to grow up in a place without the pressure of trying to fit in - where everyone just does their own thing.

one more thing - election campaign finance. i'm so immune to that sort of thing, so reading yesterday's headlines of $26M for Senator Clinton, $25 for Senator Obama, etc... it barely registered for me. but manuel shook his head and made a pretty damn good point - why aren't we embarrassed by this? not just americans - humanity in general. we spend ungodly sums of money to elect our candidates .... the $100M raised so far by various candidates would go a loooong way towards feeding a whole lot of people. towards cancer research. towards green energy research. towards healthcare. and yet millions and millions more will be raised in the coming 18 months before the next election. to what end?

i, for one, am without answers. i will stop passing on the right, always secure my valuables in the bed of a truck, will work to eradicate the entire notion of popularity...but election campaign money just seems beyond me right now. i am without ideas.

hugs to all of our listeners - thanks for keeping us on the road with your contributions to OUR campaign.
lots of love

in love with the windy city

in love with the windy city
Originally uploaded by acousticgirl01.

a lovely spring day in downtown Chicago.

day off in downtown Chicago

day off in downtown Chicago
Originally uploaded by acousticgirl01.

Just doing a little stretching after the long-ass drive from Baltimore to


cowabunga, dude!

cowabunga, dude!
Originally uploaded by acousticgirl01.

I think this means we shouldn't cross the street? Should we hang ten
