Sunday, June 11, 2006

11 june, 45 degrees outside.

oh bonsoir!
is that how you spell that?
che disperazione....i just keep getting worse about this blog. should i feel bad about that? i mean, i love writing in my blog, but only when i have interesting things to tell you. otherwise shouldn't i just stay electronically silent?

"everything is illuminated" is an excellent book, and maybe one of the few that i have finished and then re-started again immediately. there is a lot i didn't catch the first time around. can someone tell me who augustine really is?? lista p??

the first reviews of blackout are coming in and they are very complimentary, thank you very much. :) here's one for you to nibble on:

world cup fever is at high-pitch, as italy's first game is tomorrow. OF COURSE italy and america are in the same bracket, and of course i'm the only american waitress at the restaurant where i work on saturdays and OF COURSE the italy/america game is on a saturday....and of course i will be ridiculed mercilessly, whether we win or not.

also, it's very cold. how worried should we be about a world in which the much-proclaimed "land of sun" has temperatures half as hot as normal in the middle of june? if it drops to 40 degrees F, is that okay? does this signal the beginning of the end, or only that i should not yet pack away my winter clothes??

we had a show on friday night in Firenze, in piazza Ghiberti. thanks to Claudio for taking us out for Mexican food afterwards and to Biagio who came all the way from Bologna (and Juri, who came from Milano to play with us). Claudio has pictures and nice things to say (in Italian) on his blog:

ummm....soon I'll have new songs on the website from our show in Bologna in May, which we did as an acoustic trio....the Nessie Brown trio.....and of course for the pre-orderers of this world, I will soon have new sneak previews from Little Films, which is in the final stages of there is just the artwork to crank out and we'll be done! 5 albums into this I feel as though I'm finally (barely) starting to get the hang of things.

First person to find me this shirt in size M at a Target near you will be the absolute love of my life. Ready, go: