Friday, September 24, 2004

23,584 and counting (Austin, Texas)

hello dear ones,

this post finds me in austin, texas, where it is safe to say no one noticed it should be fall by now. it's really rather hot outside, not to put too fine a point on it.

The Restless Traveler tour is officially underway, though I won't really get to the serious mileage for another couple of weeks. That being said, we are letting the counting begin. I started the odometer-watch at 23,000 on Sept 18th, on the way to the first show in Houston. I'm driving to Shreveport, LA this weekend, then to Houston, then to Austin, then to Dallas, then to Austin, then to New Orleans, then to Lake Charles, then to Shreveport, then to Dallas, and THEN the tour really we'll see what sort of shape poor Colette is in by October 13th, when we officially set sail.

One thing I love about America - free wireless internet. I'm new to this and I'm already a junkie. What an amazingly convenient and addictive invention. I shudder to think of the time that could be wasted...

One more thing and I'll let you go - I have a show tonight and I need to go stretch my voice, poor thing...she's been suffering from welcome-back-to-Texas allergy syndrome, and she needs a little extra love and care today. Anyhow, I just wanted to point out that Twizzlers really are the best car food you can buy. Nothing beats a candy that doubles as a snack and killer red drumsticks. I smile when I think of the entertainment I have provided to my fellow drivers as they glance over and see a head of wild blonde hair bobbing to and fro while 2 pieces of long red candy ropes are being dashed madly against the steering wheel (and that's just during the ballads).

ciao for now - more to come from another city farther down the road...


At 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

everyone that attended will agree that the show was great babe. "apple green and charcoal grey" was my personal favorite. and once again thanks jenny and russel for a job well done. so, i did a bit of investigating and it goes like this....... this only applies to "hurricanes" in the Atlantic ocean and Gulf of Mexico. in the Pacific they are called typhoons and i don't know anything about them. Anyway as for hurricanes....not only are the names flip-flopped boy/girl every year; the names are also recycled every 6 years and influential storms have their names retired. This year the list is such.....alex, bonnie, charley, danielle, earl, frances, gaston, hermine, ivan, jeanne, karl, lisa, mathew, nicole, otto, paula, richard, shary, tomas, virginie, and WALTER. scary shary. for a complete list of 96' thru 07' go to info for the day.


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