Tuesday, February 22, 2005

ciao dearest ones,
not to whine, but it is really cold here. this is my first winter in italy and i have to say i prefer the spring/summer/autumn. then again, i prefer the other seasons just about anywhere (not just italy).

it snowed the other day. for me, snow is the only excuse for cold weather. i confess that i ran outside in my babbo natale jacket and played in the street for a few minutes. we are in the valley, so it really doesn't snow here much, but snow-capped foothills surrounding us make for a lovely backdrop. i will upload pictures soon.

let's see...what's new? well, the ICOM site, for one! head to http://www.icecreamonmondays.com and you will be rewarding with the fantastic web-stylings of mr. aaron geis, web-designer extraordinaire. aaron is a bad-ass and i am so lucky to know him - he's also the brains behind the t-shirts and buttons and stickers.

we are headed to milano in the morning for a show, and then on to cortina for another show...and then a day of skiing!! i haven't skiied in years, and i am not the most athletic girl on the planet, so let's hope i make it home without a bandage wrapped around my head.

my good friends over at Castori have decided that they really love me, and they've decided to tell the world! See? http://castori.com/pages/home2.cfm

thanks a million to those of you who have posted reviews of the new album. please, tell your friends about it! i am not in danger of starving, but that is only because i have italians who want to feed me...an increase in album sales would make it possible for me to buy a ticket home to the States one day. :)

off to conquer the autostrada!


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